Participatory public artwork: Below left and right: Meet Me at the Upside Down Table, Interactive installation inspired by ancient Japanese tea. Using board game -style cards and gathered items it guides visitors through play that encourages them to ‘cherish their unvarnished selves’, as Japanese tea rituals suggest. Winner of Art Installation of the Year - Design in Mental Health.

Public and interactive artwork: Below left and right: EMBRACE: The things that unite us, interactive installation of large scale, ‘huggable’, soft-sensory icons, incorporating scent and responsive sound and light.

Public installation: Images below left and right : I Can’t Remember Where I Came From: Objects and fragments as thresholds to past memories and imaginary futures.

Public and participatory artwork: Below left and right: Even on my knees, interactive installation incorporating stories of local participants into an expanding sculpture of items the artist added based on visitor selections (left) and an expanding tapestry (right) visitors added to by weaving positive words of encouragement onto a grid for other visitors to read.

Participatory art workshop series: Below: The Handmade Recovery upholstery making sessions for charity, Mental Fight Club, service users in South London, culminating in a launch event with performers seated in re-upholstered chairs speaking from a chair’s point of view. Artist/ activist poet, Dave Neita pictured.